The Punxsutawny Groundhog Club has just released word that the famous groundhog Punxsutawny Phil will not be making an appearance at the annual Groundhog Day's Celebration in Punxsutawny, PA this February second due to a sudden and unexpected illness. In his place will be a new and improved icon of spring fever: Alabaster Box, the albino terrapene turtle. Alabaster is new to the scene, but you may remember her twin brother, Ostentatious Ewen, who is best known for his role as that one white speed reflector your uncle hit on his way to Toledo last summer.
Ewen, this one's for you! |
Other locations around the country will see similar changes in the prophesying animal lineup. If you live up in Anchorage, Alaska, Mulligatawny Stu the polar bear will be making an appearance, and down in New Orleans, Louisiana, Lambasted Lyle the opossum will torpidly announce the spring forecast this Thursday. The bets are already being cast all over the state as to whether he'll play dead before or after he sees his shadow!
It's an exciting time for everyone here at the BOS, and we hope everyone enjoys the many fresh new faces coming to a roadside near you!
~ Happy spring 2012, everyone! ~